What is Dental Sedation?
There are a variety of dental sedation techniques used to make patients more comfortable during procedures. Our Cranbrook dentists offer oral sedation and general anesthesia. During a consultation, we can determine if one of these dental sedation options are right for you.
At Cranbrook Family Dental, we will do everything we can to help patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their appointments.
In addition to our available sedation options, we will work at your pace, take breaks when you need them, and provide calm reassurance to help the appointment go smoothly.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedatives are pills or liquids prescribed by your dentist. The medication is taken orally in advance of a dental appointment. It leaves you awake for the procedure, but provides a calming effect designed to significantly relax you.
General Anesthesia
General anesthesia is a controlled state of unconsciousness that eliminates awareness, movement and discomfort during dental treatment. Complex treatments can be completed while you are asleep in one appointment.